I am done with my blogging break. Following my bliss (the phrase courtesy the mythologist, Joseph Campbell) these days and yet I have a niggling doubt that I need to reach out to my blogging friends who have made this journey worthwhile so far. In the days I was inactive and mooning about and looking at things from every perspective known to man and telling myself that they all are right, I also ignored a lot of my friends. They come in different categories. Because wisdom and another man’s (this one seems to have come from a woman) perspective says that one must have lots of social circles. Social circles pertaining to work, hobby clubs, sports activities, school friends, community/neighbours. This is because if something goes wrong in one area of your life, you can fall back upon other social circles. And believe me, things do go wrong and very frequently.

Anyway, my newest social circle was the blogging group. And when my blog fell by the wayside, the friends got pushed to the periphery of my consciousness even though I got reminder after reminder of them through blogging channels.

Thank you Aadhirai for nominating me for the Silly Rambleee challenge. I was pleased but I acted like the perfect ostrich, burying my head in the muck of my life. Every time I looked up, I saw your notification and went right back to the sand. Next time, I might want to dig a deeper hole! Thank you so much, Wandering Story Teller for an unofficial nomination to talk about my loves and dislikes. There are so many things I love and I did a short list here and I could have just pulled it out again but I wanted to do a blazing post like yours and go out in glory but that couldn’t be done and I sat around looking for inspiration. Umber nominated me for a lovely Five Days, Five Stories Challenge. I thought it over a lot and wanted to squeeze my entire life’s philosophy into those five stories. I deliberated and started but you were not around to cheer me on. Where are you now? Joyroses and Ameena did such wonderful posts on beauty and I was tempted to follow along and I put in a lot of poetry into it but I chickened out in posting it. Priceless Joy has a jolly weekly Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers and as I did aspire to be a writer, I faithfully sent in my contribution till I….. yes you guessed it right…I stopped. She did wonder why I did not find it addictive enough. Well, I am tempted to say, here I come. Photrablogger has a path breaking Mundane Monday challenge where everything is deemed beautiful and it enticed me to start taking loads and loads of photographs of anything and everything. I did stop posting after a few times, though. Thanks to your support and endlessly asking about my writing, I was finally contrite enough to start writing again on my blog.

Flush from the thankfulness, I would like to insert a line mentioning how my blog has started the second year of its existence. I should probably be doing a full fledged post on this, as is the norm, thanking even more friends but I would like to keep it a quiet party.

And just so that my quiet party does not get much attention, I am trying to sandwich it in between thanks for other readers who would check back periodically just to see if I had published anything. Thank you to Ordinary Handsome and Singh Circle for appreciating every little thing I wrote or every experimental photo I posted. Whenever Jill visits me, my stats go boom. Thanks for reading everything, even long forgotten posts. Yes, I could not get away from my stats page. I am waiting for things to get normal here again and I look forward to reading all my favourite bloggers who evoke a range of emotions in me, ah, making me laugh and cry and everything in between. I am still waiting for my poem, Elisabeth.

And lastly, (because saying lastly again is the done thing in case of speech kind of post) I remember all my non blogger friends who take time out to read me regularly, after asking me numerous times about my posts on Instant Messaging.

19 thoughts on “Following my Bliss

  1. I should have checked in with you to know your availability for the challenge.. The next time I challenge you, you could just ignore the notification with a comment.. πŸ˜‰ Please don’t keep burying your head for this.. πŸ˜‰

    Anyway, since you are back from your break with a bang, I am expecting some good reads from you.. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can add this post along with other MM challenge and comment that you have found beauty in coming back to blogging world after a break and in the blogging friendship that keeps you motivated every single time πŸ˜‰
    So welcome back πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi there writenlive, welcome back and thank-you so much for the shout out. You are right, when I visit your blog I have a very pleasant time, flicking through from post to post. It’s like picking up a favourite magazine and getting reacquainted with my favourite stories.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, thank you so much for your love and support. I can understand what you say about a favorite magazine. I myself remember many of your posts, especially about your craft group which was the very first one I read. And the time you spent in the US. Experiencing your very first snowfall. Your travels. Ethics of photographing and publishing those photographs. Your reads. The time you lost your luggage. Freshly Seen – which is delightful! And many little snippets of you πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Bliss is a great state.. of mind, body and spirit as we can say in modern life style terminology.. but in some parts of the world out there, the other folks believe that, all we need is within us now.. incl. bliss, joy, happiness and love.. and light, pure light of the spirit or a soul.. as I guess, we are all different from the perspective of ‘persona’ on a daily basis, but also the same deep down within, at the source of light or mana. Regards of bliss from Ireland! Cheers

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, everyone of us has it’s own unique path of life.. something that resonate with the voice of heart or might be important from the perspective of mind.. Enjoy your ‘bliss’ weekend πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the way wordpress works, because I can see the time of this comment on your side, which is 19-September-2015 at 1AM.. while on this side of the ocean of life, it’s still 18-September-2015 and 8PM in Ireland πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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