Every December I see people doing their year-end round-up posts of books they have read through the year. There are loads of reading challenges too, promising to get you to read more, read diversely and have fun while doing all that.

I feel scared to commit to reading challenges. What if I change my mind about the books I was supposed to be reading? What if, I find more books that I want to read first? What if, I cannot read the required number because life gets in the way (just a phrase though, reading is life).

Casting aside all misgivings and doubts I am going to join an interesting reading challenge this year, Reading with Muffy 2024 Reading Challenge!

Why, you might ask? One, Muffy is an adorable Golden Retriever and getting an approving glance from the doggo while you are reading is motivation enough. Two, the prompts are quite interesting and seem flexible. Three, while I do have to read 12 books through the year, I can do that at my own pace. (And a secret reason, I found that quite a few of the prompts matched the books I am already planning to read). I haven’t yet mentioned that there is a very interesting set of readers who have already joined in, so that is a bonus, getting to read good bookish posts, and possibly picking up a few book recommendations as well.

In the hope of converting you, my reader, to be part of this cool reading challenge, here are the details.

12 prompts for 12 months, though you can read fast or slow. I am including the handy graphic I got to keep track of the prompts.

Write a post, either on your blog or socials, talking about your participation, tagging the gracious host, Shalini.

Keep adding your views on the books you are reading to a linky that is open for 12 months. There would be other links there so you can see who else is doing the same challenge and what they are reading.

Not to make you greedy but only more motivated, there are goodies sent out very regularly for sign ups, active participation etc.

Convinced? Here is the place you can get all the rules and sign up too.

I am looking forward to this reading adventure. If you are joining in, let me know in the comments so that we can discuss which books to pick for the prompts.

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