Image courtsey: The Odyssey Online

Disclaimer: This post is aimed at and addressed to you, the reader. However, whenever I say ‘you’ for the reader, it can also be construed as ‘me’, the writer, because this is why the post is written: to reassure myself that I am doing alright. 
It can take (us) writers a long time to be marginally readable. There are a few who are like Gods on Earth, the ones who seem to write without effort, sitting down at their gleaming writing desks each morning, hammering out hundreds of words with scarce a pause in between and a smile on their lips. These demi Gods are a paragon of clarity and eloquence and everything that they write is lapped up by the masses and the adulating crowds… anyway, you get my point.

Then there are the mere mortals, the ordinary writers who find the writing hard, fearful and terrible. Most of what they write is through a convoluted process of agonising over the what and the how. They (Us) struggle to get the words right, the adverbs out of sight, weeding out the cliched similes and mataphors so that the masses of words are pruned into the semblance of a manicured beauty.

To add to the agony of making the writing clear is the fear of not doing it well enough. There is the issue of acceptability, both of what is being written about and the language employed. Say in a memoir, how much about something can one write? What are the things that absolutely should not be left out so as to stay relatable, even though it may mean being estranged from your aunt, the one who tattled about the family secrets in the first place.

Then, there is the problem of excrutiatingly bad ideas that somehow refuse to turn into the swans from the ugly ducklings of the first drafts. The bad first drafts just morph into bad second drafts and the rewriting seems to have little effect on the final version. Is it ever going to get any better, is what you (I) despair of. Months go by and then of course, years and the way we live our days, in desperation and trepidation seems to be the way we are going to live our lives. The mere mortals seem to lose all hopes of even sitting at the feet of the demi Gods.

In between the struggle to be the writers we (there, the ‘we’ had to come out) want to be, spewing breathtaking beauty and truths of life that have hitherto been undiscovered or let us say, not been expressed in our inimitable ways and the awareness of the clock ticking away, perhaps of our creativity and the resilience to write, there lies the little window of hope and of getting there against all odds. 

In spite of the doubts, here are a few ways to tell when you (yes, we) are a writer.

1. Daydreaming

You daydream a lot. Yes, me too. Daydreaming is built into your system and no matter what others think, it is a valid activity, to be indulged into on a daily basis. Dreaming is not a waste of time, you feel, but a way to be more creative and a way to delve into your intuitive powers. 

You would always have stories running through your head. They may be populated by wild characters or ones that do unimaginably creative things. The stories are varicolored, sensory extravaganzas that stream fast through your mind even when your are deep in other things.

You have imaginary conversations. The talk could be the people in your head or the people who are real and you rehearse the words and your reactions and their delight and how those conversations are then going to be the turning point in their lives.

The day dreams are also about you, writing away to literary abandon. There could be no greater pursuit or joy than in writing.  

2. The Written Word

It is God. Period. Anything that is ink or black scratchings on white paper or any coloured scratchings even on yellowing parchment, it can be put on a pedestal. This applies equally to cheesy love letters and drab instructions for fixing a machine.

As for you, in the presence of the written word, you are dumbstruck and you can be content in being a wallflower for the rest of your life but you want part of the glory of the word and you itch to write yourself. 

It is not about being published or about the accolades or the hallowed doors that open to a person of immense talent. It is about the joy of relentless writing, only for the sake of it. 

3. Writing on your mind

Reading and Writing are always on your mind. Indulging in one makes you want to indulge in the other. They are the yin and the yang. You swing like a pendulum between the two. There are stories that you read, that you like and they lead your mind to narratives that run around in your head. There are snippets of conversations that you hold onto for  a years because you can weave an entire tapestry of emotions around them. 

4. You hate your work

You excel at self criticism. Your Inner Critic (IC) is alive and kicking. Everything that you write is robustly rejected as being  terrible in every aspect. Your IC can mostly be found perched on your shoulder as you practice your craft. For every few sentences, the IC can be seen shaking his (or her, depending on your own gender and on the complex you have, either Oedipus or Electra) head, his expression a mask of disdain. The words you employ are met with a snigger from the IC, the flow of ideas with a grimace. Nothing you write meets the approval of the IC, even when others like what you publish.

A strong IC also means that you, the writer have a strong urge to improve your craft. 

Writers are writers, because they write. Even when no one reads them. Even when the words are not precise and the sentences are convoluted. Even when the writers digress from the story they are telling to another thread that unravels inspite of themselves, sometimes creating themes and motifs and at other times, creating a mess.

This listicle is part of Friday Listicles, a weekly feature that professes our love for anything that is presented in a numbered or bulleted form, paving the way for a happy weekend. 

43 thoughts on “4 Ways to Tell if You are a Writer 

  1. another way would be reading anything anyone ever wrote about writing…even if the article is dumb or boring. Always looking for ways to improve our own writing…and sometimes criticizing some other piece of writing works.

    I like this article a lot! I keep nodding my head and thinking “yep, this is me!” I like it so much I will love to re-blog it! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post! I identify with several points you made, especially this passage: ” a convoluted process of agonising over the what and the how. They (Us) struggle to get the words right, the adverbs out of sight, weeding out the cliched similes and mataphors so that the masses of words are pruned into the semblance of a manicured beauty.” That is so true for me! Sometimes after reading an especially well-written article or review, I become nearly paralyzed by writer’s block, mostly due to self-doubt.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand that writer’s block; the one that arises out of the feeling that we would never be able to write as well and the words never do flow so effortlessly.
      I have it a lot of times. However, what I also get is a feeling of intense inspiration after reading exceptionally well written articles and poetry.
      This week, I read plenty of poetry of the Nobel Laureate, Derek Walcott, recently deceased. His words started a torrent in me and I just had to pick my pen and write.
      Thanks for the wonderful comment. I am so glad you could identify with the post.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, the key words are “flow so effortlessly” as that’s what happens for me when I write about music that really strikes a chord. That was the case with my most recent piece for instance (thank you for liking it!). I dropped what I was doing and dashed off the review when my feelings easily turned into words on the screen. In other cases where I’ve been asked to review music I’m not moved by or particularly like, writing becomes a major chore and I’m hit with writer’s block.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That is an excellent understanding and manifestation of ‘inspired writing ‘! No doubt the review was a joy to read because your deeper feelings came through. Keep at it! 🙂


  3. I feel a need to clarify my very misleading comment above: “I have Directv streaming CNN on my computer so I can both read and listen AND write” I did not mean to imply superhuman concentration powers. 🙂 My regular readers will recognize me as being me instead of just being a smart-ass bragging about my news prowess.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve got writing on my mind … your para sums it all so very well. Beautiful post.
    Now do one on how to move writing from the mind to the hand and to the blog 🙂 🙂 🙂
    and until then ….. cheers to us writers ruminating the time away .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you liked the post, Rose. And you just gave me the idea for another listicle on how to actually put down our words on paper.
      Thanks for dropping by and the appreciation 🙂


      1. Just do it… sums it up perfectly and it is an advice that I myself need to hear 🙂
        The writing you did after reading the post, made it to your blog? Is it the passport post that I read just now?


      2. Yes it is. Just sat down and wrote when I saw the prompt after commenting on your ‘writing on my mind’ para.
        Putting my thought down made me realise I should take Nikes advise .. so thanks for your post 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve asked myself this question a few times since self-publishing Bonsai. When the bookstore calls me an author and posts that I’ll be signing I feel all “out there” like I’m somebody and that feels odd to me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is beautifully candid of you to say that you still find being an ‘author’ a surprising title!
      I think you should share the story of the publication of your book so that others are inspired.


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